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FramerAuth Guides
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Missing header x-site-id
Require sign up to continue reading experience
Add a login system to Framer
What each component does
Create member account page
Locking pages in FramerAuth
Set up without the Lemon Squeezy integration
Fix 'Site IDs do not match'
Removing the FramerAuth snippet from Framer site settings
Adding the FramerAuth snippet to Framer site settings
Bookmarking functionality
Add a questionnaire after forms
Troubleshooting common errors
Inviting members
Activating a template in 3 mins
What each override does
Steps to create a membership site
'Mark as complete' button
Lemon Squeezy Guides
The benefits of license keys
Create a purchasing modal
Connect multiple products using Lemon Squeezy
Add discounts to Lemon Squeezy links
Sign-up now, upgrade later experience
Offer a team plan
Display pages and content to members with an active license
Connecting Lemon Squeezy affiliate program to your site
Completing test purchases
Conditionally display content to specific plans
Auto-fill license keys