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How to connect multiple products to a FramerAuth powered site using Lemon Squeezy
A quick guide to help you connect multiple products to your FramerAuth website
Whether you're selling eBooks, courses, wallpaper packs, or any other digital product, offering the right buying options is key to meeting your customers' needs.
You might need to sell individual products or bundle them into subscriptions with flexible plans like monthly, yearly, or lifetime access. Having the right setup ensures you give your audience the freedom to choose, while maximizing your sales potential.
Let's go over the required steps to begin selling multiple products on your FramerAuth powered site.
Create your product variants in Lemon Squeezy

In the product that is connected to FramerAuth, add your product variants. These can be named and priced however you wish.
Within this product, you have complete control over each of your variants.
Variants can also be disabled by toggling them off. Disabled variants will be hidden and cannot be purchased at checkout.
Click 'share' while editing your product

Toggle ON/OFF product variants to be shown in the share link

Here you can customize the share link and which product variants will be displayed to your customer. Toggle the product variants to "OFF" if you'd like them not to be shown. This will make it easier for customers when directing them to your individual product variants for purchase.
Use these links in your Framer project

You can now use these links when directing customers from your website to purchase your individual product variants. For example if you have a "Copywriting 101 eBook," when a visitor clicks purchase on your website you can redirect them to a link which includes only that variant.
Re-sync your product in FramerAuth

Once you're done creating your product variants in Lemon Squeezy, save your product then go to the Store page in the FramerAuth dashboard. From here, click the circular arrow icon to re-sync product variants. This will ensure all product variants are connected to FramerAuth.
Allow members to purchase multiple products
At any point your members can purchase a new product variant by adding a new license key to their account. To allow activation of a license key, utilize the activate license component which can be found on the setup page. Place this component on the /account page of your website.

To auto-fill license keys for your members, redirect them to your /sign-in page after purchase. Navigating to the sign-in page, all signed in members will automatically be redirected to the /account page and the license key will be pre-filled in the activate license component. If they are not signed in then they can sign in from there.
Use this link in Lemon Squeezy to redirect your customers after purchase to pre-fill their license key.
Replace "yoursite" with your URL - follow this guide for more details.
Lock your pages to specific product variants

In the pages section of the dashboard you'll be able to lock pages to be accessible only to logged in members who have purchased (and activated a license) for the product variant(s) that you specify.
You can also conditionally show on-page content to members with an active license to a product variant that you specify using overrides. Follow this guide to learn how: Conditionally show content to specific Lemon Squeezy plans
Thanks for following along!
Should you encounter any issues, consult the FramerAuth guides or reach out to our support team for assistance.