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How to offer a team plan using Lemon Squeezy and FramerAuth

How to leverage FramerAuth and license keys from Lemon Squeezy to offer a team plan to cater to businesses and teams utilizing your product.

Creating and offering a team plan can boost your product's appeal, allowing businesses or groups to easily use your service together. In essence, this guide will show you how you can create a "Team" variant for your Lemon Squeezy product which takes advantage of license keys with a higher activation limit.

  1. Add a variant to your product connected to FramerAuth

  1. Name your team plan

  1. Set the activation limit

Set the activation limit the number of seats on your team plan. This is the number of times that the license key that is auto-generated can be redeemed by a FramerAuth account.

How your members can activate their team plan

Once purchasing your team plan your members will have the ability to activate the number of accounts in FramerAuth that you've specified for your activation limit. They can then share this license key with their team members and all gain access to your product.

It is recommended that you provide instructions for this in your confirmation modal / email receipt in Lemon Squeezy.

Thanks for following along!

Offering a team plan can significantly enhance your product's value proposition and its flexibility for groups utilizing it. By following these steps and ensuring a seamless user experience, you can attract a wider audience and meet the needs of businesses and organizations looking for team-based solutions.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please find us on the Support page.