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How to setup your FramerAuth site without Lemon Squeezy integration

A quick guide for setting up your membership website in Framer without charger visitors to access your exclusive content.

Let's go over how to allow your website visitors to sign up to access locked content without requiring a purchase.

Video Tutorial:

  1. Disable "sign up requires license key"

On your settings page in the FramerAuth dashboard, disable the option "Signup requires License Key." This can also be done on the settings tab of the plugin.

  1. Disable "License Key" on the sign up component

Go to your sign up component and disable the "License Key" option. This will now allow any visitor of your website to sign up for a free account.

  1. Locking content

Now anyone can sign up for a free account on our website.

On pages, toggle to locked for any page that should be accessible to members only.

You can also apply some relevant overrides to your on-page content in Framer to lock it to members only.

Relevant Overrides


Apply this override to any element that you want shown to only users are not logged into your website. For example an "Sign Up Free" button would be shown to logged out users but once they've logged in it doesn't need to be shown anymore.


Opposite of withLoggedOut, withLoggedIn only shows the element in which it's applied to users who are logged into an account. This override can be used to display locked content.


This override makes it possible to show one component variant to logged out users and another variant to logged in users. This is often used to show a "locked" variant to logged out users which encourages them to upgrade.

Watch Tutorial

Frequent Questions

  • What if I've already connected Lemon Squeezy to my FramerAuth account?

You can leave your store and product connected - it will not interfere with your setup. Just make sure you disable "sign up requires license key" from step 1.

  • Can I allow visitors to sign up for free then upgrade later?

Yes, please follow this guide: Creating a Sign-Up Now, Upgrade Later Membership Experience in Framer with FramerAuth

  • Can I not include the sign up component on my site if I only want to manually invite members?

Yes, the sign up component is not required if you plan to manually invite your members from the dashboard. Guide for inviting members.

  • Can I offer different tiers for my free members?

At this time, all members that sign up for a free account or are manually added from the dashboard have the same access level - there is no way to distinguish between them in tiers.

Thanks for reading!

If you have any questions, please reach out to support.