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Creating a Sign-Up Now, Upgrade Later Membership Experience in Framer with FramerAuth

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Creating a Sign-Up Now, Upgrade Later Membership Experience in Framer with FramerAuth

Learn how to design a flexible membership experience that allows users to sign up for a free account and upgrade to a premium membership at their convenience.

Creating a membership experience that allows users to sign up for a free account and upgrade to premium at their convenience can be a great way to grow your website's audience and increase engagement. In this guide, we'll explore the steps and best practices to build a flexible and seamless membership model that caters to your users' needs.

  1. Disable "sign up requires license key"

On your settings page in the FramerAuth dashboard, disable the option "Signup requires License Key"

  1. Disable "License Key" on the sign up component

Go to your sign up component and disable the "License Key" option. This will now allow any visitor of your website to sign up for a free account.

  1. Locking content

Now anyone can sign up for a free account on our website. If you have exclusive content, you'll want to lock it. By default, any locked page will be accessible to members with an account. If you apply a Lemon Squeezy product to that locked page then only members with a license to that product will be able to access it.

  • To make content accessible to users with an active license, follow this guide.

  • To make content accessible to only users who have an active license to a specific product, follow this guide.

  1. Allowing members to upgrade to a paid account

At any point your members can upgrade from a free account to paid one by adding a license key to their account. To allow activation of a license key, utilize the activate license key component which can be found on the setup page. Place this component on the /account page of your website.

To auto-fill license keys for your members, navigate them to your /sign-in page. By navigating to your sign-in page all signed in members will automatically be redirected to the /account page and the license key will be pre-filled in the activate license component.

Use this link in Lemon Squeezy to redirect your customers after purchase and have their license key pre-filled.[license_key]

Replace "yoursite" with your URL - follow this guide for more details.

Congratulations 🎉

You successfully created a free sign up on your website with the opportunity to upgrade later. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to support.