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Require user sign-ups to continue reading Framer blog posts

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Require user sign-ups to continue reading Framer blog posts

Adding a "Sign Up to Continue Reading" feature to your Framer website is a great way to encourage engagement, collect user emails, and control access to valuable content.

Adding a "Sign Up to Continue Reading" feature to your Framer website is a great way to encourage engagement, collect user emails, and control access to valuable content. Follow along to create a content restriction system that helps turn casual visitors into registered users with FramerAuth.

Sign up to continue reading in Framer
  • Pre-requisite: this feature will not work without an active FramerAuth account — sign up.

  • Try our free blog template that features the upgrade to continue reading functionality — Remix / Preview.

How to create a sign up to continue reading experience

  • Add toggle field to the CMS and name it ‘locked’. This will be used to control whether a post is available to everyone or only members logged into an account.

Add a locked toggle to CMS
  • Add a formatted text CMS field and name it ‘teaser intro.’ This will serve as text that is shown to everyone before asking them to sign up to see the rest of the post.

Add teaser intro field to CMS
  • Set your CMS entries to be locked or unlocked and fill the teaser intro with content. The teaser intro content should be a shortened version of your post.

Select which posts to lock
  • On CMS details page, add your teaser intro text.

Add teaser intro text
  • Add a mask to make the teaser text to fade out to 0% opacity.

Adding a mask in Framer
  • Add your "sign up to keep reading" frame below and set the override withLoggedOut. Set that frame to be visible when set to 'locked.'

Adding a sign up to continue banner
  • Add your blog content and duplicate it so there are two. Name the first one ‘locked’ and the next one ‘all visitors.'

Your blog content
  • Set the ‘locked’ layer to be visible when locked.

Display when locked is true
  • Set the ‘all visitors’ layer to be visible when locked is no

Display when locked is false
  • On the ‘locked’ layer set the override withLoggedIn.

Add override


Do I still need to lock the page in FramerAuth?

For this setup, you will not need to use the plugin of dashboard to lock content. You can control the locking mechanism directly from the CMS using the 'locked' toggle.

Can I charge members to access content rather than requiring a sign up?

Yes, the only change you'll need to make is change the override withLoggedIn to withActiveLicense to make that content visible only to a signed in member who also has an active license to one of your products. To make content visible to specific Lemon Squeezy variants only, follow this guide: conditionally show content to specific plans.


Requiring sign-up to continue reading on your Framer website helps grow your user base, increase engagement, and even monetize exclusive content. With FramerAuth, setting up a seamless sign-up gate is quick and easy. Start building your content-restricted experience today!

Need help? Visit FramerAuth Support for assistance.